Monday, November 4, 2019


India's coastline spanning 7516.6 kilometers. There are 13 major ports(12 Government-owned and one private) and 187 notified minor and intermediate ports. The total 200 ports are presents in the following states:

        STATE                             PORTS

GUJARAT                -    40
TAMIL NADU         -    15
KARNATAKA         -    10
OTHERS                  -    82

Government of India plans to modernise these ports and has approved  a project called Sagarmala.

There are also 7 shipyards under the control of Central Government of India. 2 shipyard controlled by State Governments and 19 Privately owned shipyards.

NOTE: Transportation Infrastructures often require government ownership or regulation because of its inherently monopolistic nature. In the absence of a monopoly, deregulation and market forces are an effective mechanics.When the infrastructure is publicly owned,it is important to price usage to reflect the marginal impact on the cost. If this is not done, over use and congestion result because the cost borne by a user is less than his or her marginal impact on total cost. 

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